We look forward to seeing you! If you are interested in attending playgroups please reach out to Nat Holmes, FWC Coordinator, at 860-347-6971 ext. 3662 or [email protected] for more information.





Welcome to the Family Wellness Center

Nurturing Families, Strengthening Communities.

MiddletownNew Britain

Our story

We are a project of the Community Health Center, Inc., a leading health care provider in the state of Connecticut. CHC offers medical, dental, and behavioral health to all, but has a special commitment to the under insured and uninsured. CHC works to keep our patients and our communities healthy by incorporating prevention and promotion of health along with the treatment of illness and management of chronic disease.

The Family Wellness Center is part of CHC’s commitment to healthy, happy communities. We provide free programs to children ages birth to five and adults – as well as a variety of playgroups, parent education classes, and more!


Our classes

Use the arrows to see all of our classes

Middletown Calendar

New Britain Calendar


Check out our list of community resources for support, wellness, education, and services that we like!

Read to Grow

Middletown and New Britain Family Wellness Centers are now Book Places for Read to Grow! Read to Grow is an amazing non-profit that promotes literacy from birth onwards. Read to Grow is partnering with organizations across the state to set up Book Places where families can come browse a wide selection of books and take them home to stock their own home libraries!